Friday, June 18, 2010

Gold Fish, animal crackers and kiddie pools

After reading this some of you will think the heat has went to my head, others will have tears in their eyes and some will be saying "OF COURSE HE DID!" (and you can have tears too)

Aaron and I have said that our children's comfort food is gold fish (the snack that smiles back :) Every time we have ran low on goldfish a friend or family member has sent/brought us more. As I reached for our last box of gold fish, I debated on opening it. "When this box is finished, we will be out until the first of July," I thought to myself. Something in me (Holy Spirit) told me that God will take care of it, there will be more.

What a blessing to know that God hears us and sees our needs. Life has been crazy this past week. Aaron has worked 12-14 hour days all week, I have been busier than normal, kids have been with babysitters, we have not went to bed at our bedtimes and we are tired. I was feeling tonight like I was letting my children down- Not giving them enough stability, not giving them enough mommy and daddy time, ignoring them for other children and so on. God knows the cries of my heart! As I drove down the road close to tears b/c my baby was crying and he just wanted out of his seat and onto my lap, I felt God's peace come over me. Upon arriving at the mission house I am met by Marggy who has started my work for me (much appreciated!) and GOLDFISH, ANIMAL CRACKERS AND A KIDDIE POOL.
Tonight as the current team is packing up, they inform me that they are leaving a BIG bag of goldfish and a HUGE container of animal crackers. We have enough snacks to get by until mid July or later!!! God is such a provider.

The next petty thing on our list has been a blow up pool for the kids. It can be a little warm here in Jamaica and the kids love to play in the water. We cannot let them play in the hose or with a sprinkler because of the water shortage. So Aaron and I priced a small pool (you know big enough for 2 kids to sit in and can stay full of water) and were shocked when we saw a price tag of 38 US dollars. Sorry kids no pool :( UNTIL God has the team bring down a blow up kiddie pool. They were going to use it for VBS but did not. I think the poor woman was quite shocked at how joyful I was over a kiddie pool. Hugging her and telling her we had wanted one but just couldn't justify the price.

So all this rambling to say, God is taking care of us! He didn't give me more hours in the day, or a child that wasn't clingy but He showed me that what matters to me matters to Him. Seeing my children happy makes me happy and I know Sunday there will be some bright smiles when Daddy sets up the pool (I could do it tomorrow but I think Aaron will appreciate the excited laughter as well!)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Joy and Heartache

Over the past few weeks Aaron and I have witnessed both amazing compassion and heartbreaking distress. Sometimes staying focused on what God has placed us here to do, is difficult. Knowing that God sees all the pain and distress is comforting but confusing. I wonder how God can sit back and see these kids without shoes, without food, and mother's working their fingers to the bones to provide. Then I speak with a mother and I hear her joy as she says, God is good! The Psalms tell her to let nothing take her joy and she is determined to obey. I see two men (one of the men not even having his own blanket) give up their pay to assist another family. A family of 14 living in a 12x12 home that is weak enough to be pushed over by 4 men.

A woman at the gate needs money to purchase her child's school uniforms and books but I have to turn her away (we have enough money for 14 students and they are all accounted for). Aaron must turn a woman away who is running from a murder. The man chopped her hand off with a meat cleaver and it was sewn back on (swollen and bruised). We have promised six homes already this summer to "dire situations" and will try to find her assistance but cannot offer immediate help. Heartbreaking and disturbed we turn to God and offer the most powerful asset we have, prayer. Prayer is the one avenue that will keep us focused on God's work here. We cannot solve any of these problems on our own but with God we can help and we can give love.

Love, a hug to two children that just stopped by. A cricket ball to boys in the playfield, just because we want to bless them. A phone call to say, I was praying for your exams. A ride home because I know you are tired and walked 2 miles in the heat of the day. An invitation to hang out, just because I desire your company, no strings attached. I am humbled that God called me to this country to live everyday seeking ways to love. Love with my heart, my spirit, my physical touch, my talents and when others are compassionate, I get to share love offerings. The mother was correct God is good and I will not allow the sad situations over shadow the Love, Joy, Compassion, and Desire.