Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What to say

Tonight is our Spring sports awards at MC. I usually spit out a quick speech, give awards and let someone else take the floor. Tonight will be different. I am struggling with what I want to talk about. I have some girls that are talented and some not so but they have all worked VERY HARD. We have broke several school records and made great personal improvements. At times I would say we had a "building" season but at others I would say this has simply been a "good" season. I will be losing two girls this year that I am particularly close to. They will be graduating and moving on to new things. I wish them best but am sad to see them go. Audrey will miss Liz, her piggy back rides and taking her on a run with the team. I will miss Stacy, her motivation and perseverance....not to mention sanity among teenage girls!!

This seems simple just get up there and spit out what you just typed. The problem is I can't, where do I draw the line in recognitions? Personal bests? County champs? Conference Champs, Sectional Winners, School record breakers? Hard Workers? I could talk forever about all of the different personal victories (not a bad problem to have). I cannot express how much I will miss 2 Seniors without ignoring 4 other seniors. Hmmm I am stumped and have three hours to figure it out :)

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