Sunday, July 5, 2009

Great Weekend!

Friday-Fireworks, family and good food
Saturday- good food, shopping, friends, more good food and fireworks
Sunday-First Speaking engagement, great food, meeting new friends and now relaxing!

This weekend is almost a blur as I sit with my eyelids half open, listening to my brother and Aaron play video games and reflecting on the events of the past three days. I am so blessed to live in the USA where I can freely fellowship with family and friends and eat too much yummy food every meal, never once worrying about my safety or where I will sleep tonight.

God was with us today as we spoke to Providence Christian Church, pastored by Steve Sorensen. Everything went smooth and I was much less nervous than I anticipated. Aaron was great at striking up conversations and getting to know people. Braylon did his part by being friendly and reaching out to strangers :) Audrey was the highlight of my day! First I must say that my kids were so well behaved today that I could not ask for anything better! We were at church for 4 hours and sat through two services. Audrey has been preparing to "speak" to the church congregation about Jamaica for a week or so but I was unsure if she would perform when the day came.
As I offer her a chance to speak she pulls the microphone to her face and all of these wonderful well spoken words come from her mouth. I was so proud of her! Not only did she do well with public speaking but she understands our call to Jamaica. If you want to hear Audrey's interpretation of God's call on our life, visit one of the church's below while we are attending or just look her up and ask her!

We will be at the Union Chapel Church on July 19 and then we come back to Farmland Friends on July 26!!! Hope you can join us!!

Thank you to all who prayed for us today. Your prayers were answered and we had a blessed day. Thank you to Ron and Yvette for allowing us to bombard their house again!

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