Wednesday, April 8, 2009


My daughter attends preschool (name I will not disclose) one day a week. When I signed her up I was told she would learn concepts such as big/small, weather, holidays etc. I was disappointed that they were saving shapes, colors and numbers for the three year old class but thought that the concepts they were teaching would be sufficient for one day a week, plus I liked that they had a fenced in outdoor playground. I was also told if Audrey appeared bored then additional work/involvement would be given to her. For the first few months when was asked what she did at school, "nothing, we played" was her response. I thought she was doing the typical child thing so I let it go. At Christmas time I went in because the class was supposed to sing a song or two. The teacher decided not to have the class sing and on top of it all, she never taught the real reason for Christmas (this is a church preschool). After this I started randomly stopping in, generally the kids were just playing no matter the time of morning I popped in. They play play- dough every week but are not allowed to be creative, strictly use the play dough toys for their specific purpose, no exploring. The class is very rigid ( I agree with structure and schedule) but this is taken to extreme, making sure everything planned for the day is completed even if that means rushing the children through craft time. Another kicker was on Audrey's special day (replacement for her summer birthday) her father and I were invited to share snacks with the class. I have never felt so unwelcome, it was treated as if we were in the way. The kids were not told that it was Audrey's special day, we were not thanked for the snacks, and nothing special was done for "Audrey's birthday." (I could have just sent in snacks, I mean Aaron left work for this!) At this point I was ready to pull Audrey out of the school but she likes going and she is socializing with others. I had decided I would finish out the year and try something new next year. I was also going to sit down with the director to discuss my feelings, including that the director had lied about the class (they NEVER go outside, Audrey is not given additional work and they do not learn biblical songs). I am not even sure they discuss concepts at all! After today, I may be wasting my time with the director. When picking up Audrey, I was rudely told to move my car (as if I was not a parent getting MY child) and guess by who, the Director! Oh and guess what Audrey learned about Easter today, Humpty Dumpty sat on a Wall! I am not a big complainer and usually let things slide but this is frustrating! I don't know if I should just pull her out? Let her complete the year (she is not learning anything bad) and start over next year? Should I even waste my breathe discussing my concerns? Any thoughts?


  1. Hey, My Mom is here at the house and we read your blog. Mom say's " Talk to the director, don't let her go next year even if an apology is given." Of coarse we know you won't have to worry about it for next year.:) Sorry, to hear you're frustrated!

  2. Listen to your gut, I think you already know the answer. I'll be praying for you.


  3. I agree with everyone else. It doesn't sound like the place to be. Don't let yourself feel bad for doing what you feel is the right thing to do. Like Milah said, trust your gut!

  4. Thank you everyone for your responses, I will keep you posted with Aaron and my decisions. Prayers are appreciated!

  5. Hey Melissa,
    I can see why your frustrated. Hard to believe that a church preschool doesn't even teach the basics of Easter out of the Bible. I agree with everyone too. I think you should pull her and maybe you can teach her some at home. I have quite a few resources at the church that you can use if you want. Praying for your decision!
