Thursday, April 30, 2009

Warning you may be grossed out, but the ending is Good!

At 4am, I woke to a little groggy voice saying, "aht ohhhhh, look what I did." The "did" was she peed in my bed (something that has only happened a few times in her 2 1/2 years). After getting everything arranged we went back to bed. In the bath this morning a familiar but disgusting noise comes from Braylon, if you are a mom you probably have guessed it, he pooped in the tub and yes there were 15 toys in the water. A quick manuever and I have two rinsed and clean, kids out of the tub and sitting in towels while Mommy drains the water. Another noise coming from Braylon, one clean kid in a towel and another with poop on his fingers, and all over his bottom half. Time to re-wash Braylon. Okay, kids are clean and to tackle the house, I have sheets/blankets to wash, a matress to steam clean, dishes to be done, a bathtub and toys to bleach, a load of pee and poop laundry to wash, a batch of cookies to mix up and bake (this has been promised to one excited little girl and can not be avoided), school work for the same little girl, and all the other stuff that was already planned for today. With my son crying in my ear because he wants to walk or crawl but cannot- I am some how Excited about today. There is a feeling of anticipation, a sense of "waiting" is almost over, a Joy that passes all understanding. I am so thankful that my hope is not in the things of this world but in God. Even on this rainy, poopy day I can be glad, "Because my GOD reigns!"


  1. Love your story! What a day you've had already! But you are so right, no matter what kind of day it is...God is GREAT:)

  2. Melissa- Your story has brought me to tears! I'm telling you, it has felt like a poopy day! And you are so right! our God does Reign and because of him we can have joy even when life does dish us poo!!! Thanks girl! Hugs! ~Mindy

  3. I remember when! Remember the old saying like father like son.
