Thursday, April 2, 2009

We are Home!

The trip home was a breeze.....We were not ready to leave but had a great time. Braylon is having a rough day as he enjoyed being held CONSTANTLY (as you can see from the above pics). Audrey is ready to return to her friends. Below is a video of Dora and Lydia (missionary kids in Jamaica) singing a Jamaican folk song (Audrey tried to help).


  1. Those are some really cute pictures! So glad you had a great time and made it back safely!

  2. such a cute video! Audrey looked liked she was getting the hang of it!

  3. Audrey is UNBELIEVABLY cute!!!

  4. WOW! Melissa- So glad you guys made it back safe! I pray that you had an amazing trip and that God was able to speak clearly while you were there! i can't wait to hear! ~Mindy

  5. Glad you guys are home safe and I hope you received some of the answers you were looking for in Jamacia.
