Sunday, February 15, 2009

Carpe Diem!

Today Pastor Kris encouraged us to take action as if it was our last day on Earth. I know of "big" things God has in store for me and my family in the near future that we are working towards but what do I need to do right now? After some thinking I made a few phone calls, that needed to be made and then I thought of something I have been wanting to do. I have wanted to tell my parents of good memories/ influences they had on me as a child that I still cherish. As a mom I now realize how much you hope you are influencing your child but never really know if they hear you, see you or even care (and they are not even teenagers yet, yikes!). Here is a start and I will finish it over the next few days.

Dad: Thank you for teaching me to change my oil and my tire. Yes, those are good life skills but they gave me an amount of confidence that you will never know. You showed me that even though I was a girl, I was capable of taking care of myself.

Thank you for telling me that you had/have faith in me. When I was/am nervous or overwhelmed, you always tell me that you believed/believe in me.

I love the memories of working in the garage with you, of playing baseball/kickball and fishing (okay not the fishing part but getting to ride on the hood of the car around the pond).

I order Cherry Coke because it makes me smile and I think of you.
Do you remember the time we drove around Greenville for hours looking for a little pizza joint, we never found it but we got to talk alot.

Mom: I loved that you cared enough about us to create fun activities: spider webs, fast food night (Mom would be a short order chef and we would take orders like McDonalds), obstacle courses and candle making. You made sure we were active, spent time as a family and happy.

Thank you for making me talk about my standards and morals. (No, I didn't always stick to them but you made me think and I am stronger today because of the morals that were set in place.)

Thank you for giving us devotionals and making us take time for God each morning. You were a great example for me in faith. You stayed devoted to God, discouraged tv and music that was unhealthy, and was an example of daily prayer and reading. I didn't always appreciate your motives as a teenager but I live my life by your example now.

I cannot wait to take Audrey on bike rides and walks like we used to.

Thank you Mom and Dad for pouring into my life memories that I can hang on to.


  1. Loved getting to read your words to your parents! I'm sure it will really bless them and encourage them. Thanks for allowing us to catch a glimpse of how influential they were and are to you.

  2. Awww....that made me teary eyed. You do have great parents and what a blessing that is!;D

  3. What a touching post. It made me teary also, probably because I know and appreciate your parents too.
    Welcome to our blog community. It will be a pleasure getting to know you better.
