Thursday, February 26, 2009

Little Man

Today we took Braylon to Riley, it was a good trip! The Dr does not feel surgery is necessary now and possibly never (Thank you Jesus!). We had a good day to go with the good news. Audrey went to a friend's house for the afternoon so Braylon had his mom and dad to himself. It was nice for Aaron and I to lavish Braylon with attention. He has been changing so much the past week and we got to enjoy him just being him. He is starting to sit up by himself, dance to music and sing (or something with a lot of noise). Children grow up so fast and I just want to cherish all of the moments in my children's lives.


  1. Oh melissa! I could not be more happy for you! I remember all three of Joey's surgery so well and Iknow the thoughts that have to be running through your head before the word of no surgery and now after! PRAISE GOD!!!! I am so thrilled! Hang in there tomorrow... I know shots are coming! :(

  2. Great news Melissa, and really good picture too!
