Thursday, February 12, 2009

Princess Tea Party

Audrey had some friends over for a Princess Tea Party today. I was not sure how everything would go but everyone had a blast. Shannon and her three children came over as did Michelle and her two daughters. It was nice to watch the girls play so well together. They dressed up, decorated a heart cookie and had tea (water). After some play time they made a valentine. It was nice to have adult company and to get to know Michelle better. I am so thankful for all the wonderful friends God has put in my life and in the lives of my children.


  1. Melissa- Welcome to blogging. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments. It will be great to get to know you better through your blog!

  2. Welcome to blogland! I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

  3. I'm so excited you are starting a blog! It's a great way to keep track of what goes on in your life day to day.

    Looks like the tea party was really fun. Everyone looks very princessy (not sure how to spell that?!). They look really cute:)

  4. I'm looking forward to reading your blog. I've added you to the links on my blog.

  5. Welcome to the blogasphere, look forward to reading your blog.

  6. Totally cute tea party! Glad to see you have a blog! I am excited! -Mindy
