Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So some of you might find this a little sappy but I must speak the truth. I am so proud of my husband. Monroe Central will be hosting the boys' basketball sectional this year (that is a BIG deal in the basketball arena). For my husband this means lots of work, lots of details and lots of eyes scrutinizing his every move. He has a done a great job of planning and organizing and I am confident that everything will go off without a hitch. Today is the first part of his planning in action, he has to lead a meeting with all the coaches, principals and ADs of the sectional. I was very impressed when I learned that he had planned the meeting with a catered meal at the cultural center (nice touch!). Another reason to be proud is while he is trying to do the normal duties of his job, plus organize officials, ticket takers, team locker rooms, fan seating, announcers, national anthem performers, score board keepers, security, hospitality room food and programs (this is all I could think of I am sure there is more) for the week of sectional he has still been an attentive husband and father. When he comes home my kids could never tell that he is carrying a large task on his shoulders. He gets down on the floor and plays with them, sings songs to them and helps put them to bed. The best part is with his mind directed to this very important task he still has not taken his eyes off Christ. He has put into practice lessons from the past Sunday's sermon and through that made an impact on parents at the school. If you ask him all this is "just a day's work" but to me this is admirable and impressive. For all these reasons and many more I am proud of my husband!


  1. Not sappy at all! Your first photo is a really good one:)

  2. You got yourself a pretty cool dude there. I never knew so much went into getting ready to host a sectional.
